Okay seems a little strange, doesn't it?
I assure you it makes sense.
I want the grand connect!

Guess it was a little too cryptic. The first two pics were that of Sachin Tendulkar and S.D Burman. Sachin was named after S.D Burman by his grand father( well known trivia), hence he was burman's NAMESAKE.
The second pic was that of Vanity Fair, which was also a novel written by William Thackeray
And the third pic has a peace symbol over Lord Rama (Shantaram)

The connect being Mira Nair. Since she is directing all the three movies that are being made after the books.

QM's note: Realised that the clues were seriously a little too cryptic, will give appropriate hints next time.


At November 30, 2007 at 2:12 PM roshan said...

Is it Virgin?

At December 1, 2007 at 9:03 PM Sharat said...

Balasaheb Thackeray?


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